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Contact Info

515B Mt Wellington Highway,
Mt Wellington,
PO Box 51529, Pakuranga,
Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: (64) 9 573 1051
Fax: (64) 9 573 1052

Call us directly : (09) 573 1051 Email:

Special Function

Cylinder Regeneration Valves

These regenerative valves allow a double acting cylinder to be extended faster than it would in the conventional hydraulic arrangement. To achieve this, oil from the rod end of the cylinder is added to the pump flow and into the bore end, increasing the speed of advance (and also reducing the thrust).  Care must be taken when applying these valves, talk to HCV with your requirement.

Pressure Sensitive Regeneration

Pressure sensitive regenerative valves provide regenerative flow until the load induced pressure reaches the setting of the counterbalance valve, at which time the rod end oil is allowed to escape back to tank. The circuit then becomes non-regenerative and full system pressure is available to the full bore area, allowing it to develop maximum thrust. Care must be taken when applying these valves, talk to HCV with your requirement.

Piston Motor Overrun Valves

These valves provide over-run protection for piston motors. During run-down, the pilot check closes and prevents oil from escaping to tank. The pistons in the motor are kept in compression onto the thrust plate and oil is then forced back to the suction side of the motor. Includes run down relief for braking and main relief.  Available with ventable relief for stop/start or proportional pressure control.

Quick Hitch Valves

These Cast Iron bodied valves are for the shifting of excavator quick hitch cylinders.  Clamp force is at reduced pressure, whilst unclamp is at full system pressure.  Apply this valve when a separate P.O. Check is installed at the quick hitch cylinder.  Various other Quick Hitch valves are available, contact HCV with your requirement.


Tilt Control Solenoid

This cast iron bodied valve is for the shifting of a double acting cylinder at reduced pressure. Typical application is for excavator tilt cylinders. NOTE: in tilt applications a separate 5 port cross-line relief valve is also required to protect the cylinder from load induced pressures (see HCV Tilt with 5 Port X-line Valve).

Tilt with 5 Port X-Line Relief

This cast iron bodied valve is for the shifting of a double acting cylinder at reduced pressure, complete with 5 port cross-line relief protection. Typical application is for excavator tilt cylinders. Can be applied in other systems contact HCV with your requirement.


Pilot Valves

These valves have a pressure reducer and directional solenoid.  Conventional application is to pilot an auxiliary spool on an excavator.  By adjusting the pressure reducer we can limit the amount of spool travel and therefore limit the flow out of the auxiliary spool. Used when a Tilt or Thumb requires electric activation (as oppose to foot pedal control). 

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